Peritrichia: Sessilida: Vorticellidae
Carchesium polypinum
Linnaeus, 1758
Genus: Colonial; each zooid has a separately contractile myoneme
(Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Each animal has its own myoneme, can contract singly without causing colony to contract (How to know the
protozoa, 1979).
100-125 μm long;
colony up to 3 mm; fresh water (Kudo, 1966).
120-125 μm long
(How to know the protozoa, 1979).
Body bell-shaped; 80-140 μm long;
a macronucleus C-shaped (Kojima, et al., 1995).
Similar Genus ->>
Carchesium polypinum,
cell body 75 μm long, 40 μm wide, peristome 60 μm wide,
x 640, rice field near Ta-gawa (Ta river), O-yama-dai-ni, Kaminokawa town, Tochigi Pref., Japan, May 4, 2004 by Y. Tsukii
100 μm
200 μm
300 μm; x 200 :
50 μm
100 μm
150 μm; x 400
Carchesium polypinum Linnaeus, 1758:
100-125 μm long;
colony up to 3 mm; fresh water (Kudo, 1966).
120-125 μm long
(How to know the protozoa, 1979).
Body bell-shaped; 80-140 μm long;
a macronucleus C-shaped (Kojima, et al., 1995).
Carchesium granulatum Kellicott:
About 100 μm long;
two contractile vacuoles anterior (Kudo, 1966).
Zoothamnium: Like Carchesium but myonemes of individuals are connected as a single, branched
contractile system, whole colony contracts at once (How to know the protozoa, 1979).
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