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Chlorophyceae: Chlorococcales: Hydrodictyaceae

Pediastrum duplex
var. gracilimum W. et G. S. West

Pediastrum duplex Genus: Colonies of a fixed number of cells, flat, circular in shape; cell body polygonal in shape, with horn-like projections; cell wall garanulated, wrinkled or notched; chloroplasts plate-like or reticular; asexual reproduction by zoospore; sexual reproduction by isogametes (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Species: Colonies of 8, 16, 32, 64 cells with large intercellular spaces; mariginal cells with two narrow, long, horn-like processes, of which apex truncated; inner cells H or X-shaped with deeply concaved sides; cell wall smooth (Photomicrographs of the fresh-water algae, 1997).

Pediastrum duplex var. gracilimum W. et G. S. West, stock Tmz-52, axenic culture with KCM and Hyponex (January 19 to February 21, 2002), colonies of cells, colonies μm in diam., cell body μm long, μm wide, x 640, Mizumoto Park, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, Japan, July 2001 by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400
Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex

Pediastrum duplex var. gracilimum W. et G. S. West, stock Tmz-52, axenic culture with KCM and Hyponex (February 21 to March 27, 2002), cell body μm long, μm wide, x 640, Mizumoto Park, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, Japan, July 2001 by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400
Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex

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