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Chlorophyceae: Volvocales: Volvocaceae
Volvocida: Volvocina: Volvocidae

Pandorina colemaniae
(Müller) Bory, 1824

Pandorina colemaniae Genus: Colony spherical; 8-16 cells of similar size, close together, mutually compressed; 2-layered gelatinous envelope; cells with 2 equal-length flagella; 2 contractile vacuoles anterior; nucleus central (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Species: Colonies spherical in shape, consisting of 16 or 8 cells; cells pear-shaped, up to 26 μm in surface diam., contiguous at the center of the colony; a single chloroplast, cup-shaped, with 4-8 pyrenoids (Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae, vol. 11, 1993).

Pandorina colemaniae, colony of 16 cells, 44 μm long, 42 μm wide, cells wedge-shaped μm, cells close together, x 400, x 640, Binnuma River, Omiya City, Saitama Pref., Japan, 2000, by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400 : scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640

Pandorina colemaniae or P. morum ?, colony of 16 cells, 49 μm long, 39 μm wide, cells wedge-shaped μm, cells close together, x 400, x 640, Binnuma River, Omiya City, Saitama Pref., 2000, by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400 : scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640

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