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Chlorophyceae: Chlamydomonadales (Volvocales): Chlamydomonadaceae
Volvocida: Chlamydomonadina: Chlamydomonadidae

Gloeomonas tecta
(Skuja) Ettl H. et O. 1959
Syn. Chlamydomonas tecta Skuja 1956

Gloeomonas Species: Cell body broad ellipsoidal, cylindrical, or inverted ovoid, both ends rounded, 20-32 μm long, 13-27 μm wide; cellwall thick; covered by two layers of gelatinous sheaths; papilla broad, short, rounded at corners; length of flagella nearly the same as that of cell body; chloroplast cup-shaped, filling whole cell; stigma rounded, at equator or slightly anterior; nucleus centrally located; two apical contractile vacuoles at the base of flagella.
[var. subporosa (Skuja) Ettl 1993]: Cell body larger (26-28 x 25-32 μm); inner cellwall finely porous; sexual reproduction by heterogamy (Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa 9, Chlorophyta I, 1983).

Gloeomonas tecta (Skuja) Ettl H. et O. 1959 ??, cell body 22 μm long, 20 μm wide, L/W=, double-layered sheath 2.5 μm in thickness, x 640, rice field near Naruto-Togane carnivorous plant colony (marsh), Sanmu city (formerly Naruto town), Chiba Pref., Japan, November 5, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Gloeomonas tecta Gloeomonas tecta

Images of collecting locality: Rice field near Naruto-Togane carnivorous plant colony (marsh), Sanmu city (formerly Naruto town), Chiba Pref., Japan, November 5, 2006 by Y. Tsukii

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