Oedogoniales: Oedogoniaceae
Bulbochaete sp.
C.A. Agardh
Genus: Filament with branching, attached on a substrate; dioecious; cell body cylindrical;
apical cell with a elongated spiny projections
(Guide book to the "Photomicrographs of the Freshwater Algae", 1998).
Bulbochaete sp. (B. nordstedtii Wittrock or B. crassiuscula Nordstedt or
B. insignis Pringsheim or B. brebissonii Kützing or?),
cell body 40-55 μm long, 20 μm wide,
x 200, x 400, x 640, Ushidome-ike (pond), Norikura highland, Azumi, Matsumoto city (formerly Azumi village), Nagano Pref., Japan, June 8, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
50 μm
100 μm
150 μm; x 400 :
31 μm
63 μm
94 μm; x 640
Images of collecting locality:
Ushidome-ike (pond), Norikura highland, Azumi, Matsumoto city (formerly Azumi village), Nagano Pref., Japan, June 8, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
Please click on images for viewing enlarged.
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