
Let's wake up early and watch the flowers

The morning glory flower opens before dawn. But the flower fades away early in the day as the sun gathers strength. Because a lot of beautiful flowers bloom every morning during summer vacation, let's get up early and watch the flowers this summer. The large-flowered morning glory has big flower buds. In the big buds, the petals don't wind up, sometimes forming a fold.

__ This is a new gardening variety, "Yojiro" (Ray-white). It was produced from the hybrid of the morning glory (Ipomoea nil) crossed with the common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea). This flower blooms until the afternoon.
__ When it is rainy, the buds often do not open. Even if they do open in the rain, they may wither up immediately. If you hear rain is in the forecast, move the plants under the eaves.

Tips for observation

Examine whether or not the weather and temperature either hasten or delay flower opening or flower withering.
When a flower opens, what state will the pistil and stamens be in? Observe carefully and sketch them.
