
Sow a lot of seeds at a time
Let's try to sow a lot of seeds in a shallow wooden box. Some seeds will germinate early and others late, even though you sowed them all on the same day. You can find seedlings growing in various states: some seedlings coming out with their seed coats on, for example, or others with their roots outside the soil. Let's consider how these different states happen.

Compare the color and design of the hypocotyl to the color and design of the flower

If the cotyledons open, let's examine the color of the hypocotyl. If you sow seeds that produce several different flower colors and designs, you will find different colors and designs in the hypocotyl, too. Let's record some hypocotyl colors to see how they correspond to the colors and designs of flowers.

1 Light green hypocotyl with stripes | The flowers have variable grades of stripes on a white or cream background.

2 Light green hypocotyl | The flowers are white and cream, and colored in rare cases.
3 Light brown hypocotyl | Flowers are orange or light brown, etc.
4 Reddish purple hypocotyl | The flowers are purplish-red, etc.
5 Whitish-reddish purple hypocotyl | The flowers have red stripes on a light blue or white background, etc.
6 Clear red hypocotyl | The flowers are bright red, etc.

4 Let's put one seedling under the sun and another in the shade, and then examine the difference in their growth.
5 For the seedling in the shade, its hypocotyl became long.
About 5 days after sowing, you can see the neck of a white hypocotyl. It is very pleasant to watch the plant grow from this stage to the opening of the cotyledon.
You can watch a lot of plants germinate all at once if you sow a lot of seeds. Let's think about the life that lies asleep in a tiny seed. Compare germination to various conditions you can think of.
