If a vine grows as shown above, let's make a support for it.
To let a vine wind around a support, twist the vine gently around the support.

At the stage of the cotyledonary seedlings, I put one pot in the sunshine and another pot in the shade. Then I compared their growth.
On the left is the plant in the sun, and on the right is the plant in the shade.
The left photograph shows the plants 3 weeks later and the right 5 weeks later.
<--tip of vine
There is a vine with flower buds.
Cross-section of stem (under) Vertical section of stem
I dissolved some red food dye in water. Then I left a cut stem in the red water for 24 hours. That let me see how the water had moved up inside the stem.
A point of cultivation
If a vine elongates to about 15 cm, the tip of the vine will become unsteady. When that happens, make a support with sticks or strings.
You can use the handrail of a porch or the wire netting from a fence.
Let's remember to supply fertilizer sometimes.
However, make sure not to use too much fertilizer. Too much will make the plant die.

A plant growing thick with many leaves will wither up immediately if you forget to give it water on a fine and sunny day (the right photograph).
So make sure to give it enough water.
Then the plant will get well after a while, and it will look like a different plant (the left photograph).