2-1. 生物資材情報発信のためのWWWサーバ構築サポートシステムに関する研究


3-3. 原生生物データベースの構築とネットワーク公開

3-3-1. データの追加・編集


  1. Hausmann, K. & Bradbury, P.C. (eds.), 1996, CILIATES Cells as Organisms, pp. 51-72, Gustav Fischer.
  2. Hausmann, K. & H殕smann, N., 1996, Protozoology, Thieme Medical Pub.
  3. Yamagishi, T. & Akiyama, M. (eds.), 1996, Photomicrographs of the Freshwater Algae., Vol.1-17, Uchida Rokakuho Pub. (in Japanese & English).
  4. Kojima, S., Sudo, R. & Chihara, M. (eds.), 1995, Kankyo-Biseibutu Zukan (Encyclopedia of Environmental Miroorganisms), Kodansha Scientific (in Japanese).
  5. Carey, P.G., 1992, Marine Interstitial Ciliates; An illustrated Key, Chapman & Hall.
  6. Margulis, L., Corliss, J.O., Melkonian, M. and Chapman, D.J. (eds.) , 1991, Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett, Boston.
  7. Margulis, L. & Schwartz, 1988, Five Kingdoms; An illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth., Second edition, Freeman and Company.
  8. Lee, J.J., Hutner, S.H. & Bovee, E.C. (eds.), 1985, An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa., Society of Protozoologists.
  9. Corliss, J.O., 1979, The Ciliated Protozoa - Characterization, Classification and Guide to the Literature., 2nd, Pergamon Press.
  10. Jahn, T.L., Bovee, E.C., Jahn, F.F., 1979, How to know the protozoa, 2nd edition, The Pictured Key Nature Series, Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers.
  11. Hirose, H. & Yamagishi, T. (eds.), 1977, Illustrations of the Japanese Fresh-water Algae, Uchida Rokakuho Pub (in Japanese).
  12. Page, F.C., 1976, An illustrated key to freshwater and soil amoebae, Freshwater Biological Association, Scientific Publicaton No. 34, Titus Wilson & Son Ltd.
  13. Giese, A.C., 1973, Blepharisma - The Biology of a Light-sensitive Protozoan, Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, California.
  14. Kudo, R.R., 1966, Protozoology 5th ed., Charles C Thomas Publisher.

図6. 静止画像のデジタル化,データベース化の過程