E. H. Blackburn
- Blackburn E.H., Structure and function of telomeres. , Nature, 350, 6319, 569-573, 1991
- Bradley J.D., Yu G.L., Blackburn E.H., Analysis of mutations in the template region of telomerase RNA in Tetrahymena thermophila. , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 7, 1991
- Flessel M.C., Blackburn E.H., A search for telomerase protein gene from ciliates. , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 26, 1991
- Kapler G., Orias E., Blackburn E., Genetic analysis of rDNA amplification and replication in Tetrahymena thermophila. , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 56, 1991
- Lee M., Blackburn E.H., Guanine-guanine base-pairs in telomeric DNA and their interaction with the ribonucleoprotein reverse transcriptase telomerase. , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 61, 1991
- Lundblad V., Blackburn E.H., Telomere replication in yeast (a distantly related cousin of the ciliates) , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 63, 1991
- Romero D.P., Blackburn E.H., The secondary structure of telomerase RNA. , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 83, 1991
- Shippen-Lentz D., Williams D., Blackburn E.H., Price C.M., Exploring the interaction of telomerase with the telomere binding protein. , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 90, 1991
- Yaeger P., Chau M.F., Shaiu W.-L., Mann R., Larson D., Blackburn E., Orias E. , A mutation affecting rDNA propagation is located in the promoter region of transcription in Tetrahymena thermophila. , Abst. IV Int. Conf. Ciliate Mol. Biol., , , 112, 1991
- Blackburn E.H., CELL BIOLOGY: Telomeres sans fronti俊es, Nature News & Views, 343, , 122, 1990
- Yu G.-L., Bradley J.D., Attardi L.D., Blackburn E.H., In vivo alteration of telomere sequences and senescence caused by mutated Tetrahymena telomerase RNAs. , Nature, 344, , 126-132, 1990
- Greider C.W., Blackburn E.H., A telomeric sequence in the RNA of Tetrahymena telomerase required for telomere repeat synthesis., Nature, 337, , 331-337, 1989
- Phan H.L., Forney J.D., Blackburn E.H., Analysis of Paramecium macronuclear DNA using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. , J. Protozool., 36, 4, 402-408, 1989
- Robinson E.K., Cohen P.D., Blackburn E.H., A novel DNA deletion-ligation reaction catalyzed in vitro by a developmentally controlled activity from Tetrahymena cells., Cell, 58, , 887-900, 1989
- Shampay J., Blackburn E.H., Tetrahymena micronuclear sequences that function as telomeres in yeast. , Nucl. Acids Res., 17, 8, 3247-3260, 1989
- Yaeger P.C., Orias E., Shaiu W.-L., Larson D.D., Blackburn E.H., The replication advantage of a free linear rRNA gene is restored by somatic recombination in Tetrahymena thermophila., Mol. Cell. Biol., 9, 2, 452-460, 1989
- Yu G.-L., Blackburn E.H., Transformation of Tetrahymena thermophila with a mutated circular ribosomal DNA plasmid vector., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 86, , 8486-8491, 1989
- Forney J.D., Blackburn E.H., Developmentally controlled telomere addition in wild-type and mutant Paramecia., Mol. Cell. Biol., 8, 1, 251-258, 1988
- Orias E., Larson D., Hu Y.-F., Yu G.-L., Karttunen J., Løvlie A., Haller B., Blackburn E.H., Replacement of the macronuclear ribosomal RNA genes of a mutant Tetrahymena using electroporation., Gene, 70, , 295-301, 1988
- Spangler E.A., Ryan T., Blackburn E.H., Developmentally regulated telomere addition in Tetrahymena thermophila., Nucl. Acids Res., 16, 12, 5569-5585, 1988
- Greider C.W., Blackburn E.H., The telomere terminal transferase of Tetrahymena is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme with two kinds of primer specificity., Cell, 51, , 887-898, 1987
- Larson D.D., Spangler E.A., Blackburn E.H., Dynamics of telomere length variation in Tetrahymena thermophila., Cell, 50, , 477-483, 1987
- Blackburn E.H., Molecular structure of telomeres in lower eukaryotes. In: Molecular developmental biology. (ed. Bogorad L.), Alan R. Liss, New York., book, , , 69-82, 1986
- Blackburn E.H., Karrer K.M., Genomic reorganization in ciliated protozoans., Ann. Rev. Genet., 20, , 501-521, 1986
- Blackburn E.H., Larson D., Greider C.W., Challoner P.B., Spangler E.A., et al., Developmentally controlled telomere formation and genomic rearrangement in Tetrahymena. UCLA Symp. Mol. Cell. Biol., Vol. 51, (eds. Firtel R.A., Davidson E.H.) Alan R. Liss, New York., book, 51, , in press, 1986
- Larson D.D., Blackburn E.H., Yaeger P.C., Orias E., Control of rDNA replication in Tetrahymena involves a cis-acting upstream repeat of a promoter element., Cell, 47, , 229-240, 1986
- Blackburn E.H., Challoner P.B., Cherry J.M., Howard E.A., Ryan T., Spangler E.A., Genomic rearrangements in macronuclear development of Tetrahymena. (eds. Simon M., Herskowitz I.) UCLA Symp. Mol. Cell. Biol., Vol. 20, Alan R. Liss, New York., book, 20, , 191-203, 1985
- Bruns P.J., Katzen A.L., Martin L., Blackburn E.H., A drug-resistant mutation in the ribosomal DNA of Tetrahymena., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82, , 2844-2846, 1985
- Challoner P.B., Amin A.A., Pearlman R.E., Blackburn E.H., Conserved arrangements of repeated DNA sequences in nontranscribed spacers of ciliate ribosomal RNA genes: evidence for molecular coevolution., Nucl. Acids Res., 13, 7, 2661-2680, 1985
- Cherry J.M., Blackburn E.H., The internally located telomeric sequences in the germ-line chromosomes of Tetrahymena are at the ends of transposon-like elements., Cell, 43, 2, 747-758, 1985
- Greider C.W., Blackburn E.H., Identification of a specific telomere terminal transferase activity in Tetrahymena extracts., Cell, 43, 1, 405-413, 1985
- Howard E.A., Blackburn E.H., Reproducible and variable genomic rearrangements occur in the developing somatic nucleus of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila., Mol. Cell. Biol., 5, 8, 2039-2050, 1985
- Spangler E.A., Blackburn E.H., The nucleotide sequence of the 17S ribosomal RNA gene of Tetrahymena thermophila and the identification of point mutations resulting in resistance to the antibiotics paromomycin and hygromycin. , J. Biol. Chem., 260, , 6334-6340, 1985
- Blackburn E.H., Telomeres: Do the ends justify the means?, Cell, 37, , 7-8, 1984
- Blackburn E.H., Szostak J.W., The molecular structure of centromeres and telomeres., Ann. Rev. Biochem., 53, , 163-194, 1984
- Shampay J., Szostak J.W., Blackburn E.H., DNA sequences of telomeres maintained in yeast., Nature, 310, 5973, 154-157, 1984
- Blackburn E.H., Budarf M.L., Challoner P.B., Cherry J.M., Howard E.A., et al., DNA termini in ciliate macronuclei. , Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 47, , 1195-1207, 1983
- Blackburn E.H., Pan W.-C., Johnson C., Methylation of ribosomal RNA genes in the macronucleus of Tetrahymena thermophila., Nucl. Acids Res., 11, 15, 5131-5145, 1983
- Pan W.-C., Orias E., Flacks M., Blackburn E.H., Allele-specific, selective amplification of a ribosomal RNA gene in Tetrahymena thermophila., Cell, 28, , 595-604, 1982
- Szostak J.W., Blackburn E.H., Cloning yeast telomeres on linear plasmid vectors., Cell, 29, , 245-255, 1982
- Katzen A.L., Cann G.M., Blackburn E.H., Sequence-specific fragmentation of macronuclear DNA in a holotrichous ciliate., Cell, 24, , 313-320, 1981
- Pan W.-C., Blackburn E.H., Single extrachromosomal ribosomal RNA gene copies are synthesized during amplification of the rDNA in Tetrahymena., Cell, 23, , 459-466, 1981
- Gall J.G., Yao M.-C., Blackburn E., Findly R.C., Wild M., The extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA of tetrahymena and paramecium. In: Proceeding of the Alfred Benzon Symposium, Vol. 13, Specific Eukaryotic Genes (eds. Engberg J., Klenow H., Leick V.), pp. 299-305, Munskgaard, Copenhagen., book, , , 299-305, 1979
- Blackburn E.H., Gall J.G., A tandemly repeated sequence at the termini of the extrachromosmal ribosomal RNA genes in Tetrahymena., J. Mol. Biol., 120, , 33-53, 1978