External Evaluation of "Protist Information Server"

Evaluation by Search Engine

Google -Part II -
Ranking by Scientific Words

Part I is HERE

Keywords No. of
World Ranking Domestic Ranking
Protist 42,700 3 1 _
__ Mastigophora 3,870 4 1 _
__ Sarcodia 302 1 1 _
__ Sarcodina 4,460 13 1 _
__ Ciliophora 8,120 7 2 _
__ Heterokonta 399 1 1 _
__ Heterokontophyta 1,630 1 1 _
__ Chlorophyta 14,200 11 1 _
__ Eumycota 1,320 3 1 _
__ Opalinata 204 1 1 _
Prokaryotes 47,200 39 1 _
Metazoa 30,900 38 1 _
Protistology 3,080 3 1 _
Protistologist 157 1 1 _
Protista 23,300 49 2 First ".jp"=45
Protoctista 4,510 19 1 _
Protozoa 96,300 ?? ?? First ".jp"=23, as we do not use "Protozoa"
Specimen Archive 47,400 2 1 _
Behavior 9,360,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=162
Phagocytosis 39,800 20 1 _
__ Endocytosis 29,100 ?? ?? First ".jp"=94
__ Exocytosis 20,600 ?? ?? First ".jp"=58
Cell division 1,070,000 72 1 _
__ asexual reproduction 33,100 ?? ?? no ".jp" at top 200
Morphogenesis 64,200 38 2 _
Sexual reproduction 400,000 25 1 _
__ Conjugation 131,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=88
__ Meiosis 107,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=123
__ Fertilization 354,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=20
Cysts 201,000 106 1 _
Organelle 38,900 14 1 _
__ Contractile vacuole 5,440 5 2 First ".jp"=9
__ Trichocyst 690 2 1 _
__ Cyrtos 230 1 1 _
__ Proboscis 35,000 119 1 _
__ Tentacle 109,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=163, only this at top 200
__ Pellicle 7,690 12 1 _
__ Theca 7,820 14 1 _
__ Lorica 12,000 29 1 _
Endosymbiosis 3,730 8 1 _
Parasitism 51,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=29, four ".jp" at top 200
Taxonomy 582,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=54
Internet Biology 995,000 ?? ?? First ".jp"=100
updated 06/22/2002