
1 Now you can recognize a flower bud. The characteristics of the flower bud are its pointed tip and its little bit of hair.

2 The flower bud is still covered tightly by 5 sepals. You can see a small pistil and stamens within the bud.
What can you see inside the flower bud?

You will see a flower bud in July if you sow the seed in the beginning of May.
Flower buds appear and grow large first at the lower part of a stem, and then they appear and grow later and later in sequence, moving upwards along the stem. Generally, a flower blooms about 3 weeks after a flower bud appears. Let's observe what kind of change happens in a flower bud.

3 The form of a flower bud becomes clear. Within the bud, part of a young petal becomes red. This flower bud will bloom in 6 or 7 days.

4 This bud will open tomorrow. The flower petal is still hard and winding, as the time is not yet noon. The sepals open up and begin to spread out.
